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Millac Maid Brown and Creamer Jiggers Long Life 14ml Ref A02082 [Pack 120]

Store | Workplace Catering | Drinks | Milk |  Millac Maid Brown and Creamer Jiggers Long Life 14ml Ref A02082 [Pack 120]

Millac Maid Brown and Creamer Jiggers Long Life 14ml Ref A02082 [Pack 120] Ident: 616I

Millac Maid Brown and Creamer Jiggers Long Life 14ml Ref A02082 [Pack 120] Ident: 616I

Product Order Code: 622680

Price: £6.18 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Luxury long life coffee creamer
No refrigeration needed
No UHT aftertaste
14ml one cup portions
Packed 120
RRP £14.29

Store | Workplace Catering | Drinks | Milk |  Millac Maid Brown and Creamer Jiggers Long Life 14ml Ref A02082 [Pack 120]

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