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Maxima Thick Bleach Disinfecting for Drains and Toilets 5 Litres Ref VSEMAXTB [Pack 2]

Store | Workplace Cleaning | Cleaning Products | Cleaning Supplies |  Maxima Thick Bleach Disinfecting for Drains and Toilets 5 Litres Ref VSEMAXTB [Pack 2]

Maxima Thick Bleach Disinfecting for Drains and Toilets 5 Litres Ref VSEMAXTB [Pack 2] Ident: 590G

Maxima Thick Bleach Disinfecting for Drains and Toilets 5 Litres Ref VSEMAXTB [Pack 2] Ident: 590G

Product Order Code: 797717

Price: £10.60 (Excluding VAT at 20%)

Active thick bleach for a more effective cleaning action
Size: 5 Litres
RRP £13.82

Store | Workplace Cleaning | Cleaning Products | Cleaning Supplies |  Maxima Thick Bleach Disinfecting for Drains and Toilets 5 Litres Ref VSEMAXTB [Pack 2]

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